Discover your matches as you have never seen them before. In this screen we will offer you, in detail, the statistics of the match played.

Detalle del partido - EN.png

On this screen you will find:

  1. button to navigate back
  2. Match results
  3. Professional statistics selector
  4. Professional statistics
  5. Activity

1. Back navigation button

Click it to return to the list of matches.

2. Results of the match

Here you can see the result of the match. The green numbers indicate the winning team of each set. You will also find the date and the total duration of the match.

3. Professional statistics selector

Padel Watch shows you the overall statistics of the match and broken down by set. Using the selector, you can choose what information you want to see of the match.

4. Professional statistics

<aside> ⭐ Professional statistics are available on subscription.


Analyze your match with professional statistics. In them, you will be able to consult: